
How To Learn Motivational Interviewing

Motivational-InterviewingTake you ever been "healed" by a long conversation with someone where you were given total attending and felt the other person really listened to you without judgment?

Has a particular relationship made you feel normal, lighter, or good about yourself again? Chances are this happened in an environment that was trusting, open up, and frank.

If I tin can provide a sure type of relationship, the other person will discover within himself the capacity to use that relationship for growth, and change and personal development will occur.

Carl Rogers

This commodity describes the underlying principles and techniques of ane such form of communication known as Motivational Interviewing. Nigh commonly used to increase motivation toward behavioral change, motivational interviewing is an show-based arroyo designed to encourage clients to talk themselves into making beneficial changes in their lives.

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What is Motivational Interviewing

Motivation to change varies from person to person, from ane state of affairs to some other, and over fourth dimension. Some of us are unwilling, others are unable to modify, and many are not fully ready.

Motivational Interviewing techniques rest on the findings in clinical experience and research that simply prove that clients who believe that they can alter do so, and "those who are told that they are non expected to improve indeed practise non" (Miller, & Rollnick, 2014).

People are ameliorate persuaded by the reasons they themselves discovered than those that come into the minds of others.

Blaise Pascal

Motivational interviewing is a patient-centered counseling style based on the principles of the humanistic psychology of Carl Rogers. He argued that for a person to "grow," we need an environment that provides us with genuine openness that enables self-disclosure, credence that includes beingness seen with unconditional positive regard, and empathy where we feel like we are existence listened to and understood.

Rogers discovered that it was more than constructive to allow clients guide the direction of the process in the person-centered form of therapy.

The curious paradox is that when I take myself only as I am, then I tin alter.

Carl Rogers

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a technique for increasing motivation to change and has proven to be especially effective with people that may be unwilling or unable to change.

Originally used within the setting of alcohol addiction treatment in the 1980s, motivational interviewing encouraged patients to think and talk most their reasons to change. Soon information technology was discovered that this minimized their resistance and increased their motivation.

Role of the reason was that motivational interviewing accepts that ambivalence nearly change is a normal human experience and often a necessary step in the process of change.

Motivational interviewing rests on the assumption that people are ambivalent near change versus weak or resistant to doing and so. It's an optimistic approach to change aimed at resolving this ambivalence through eliciting and reinforcing alter talk.

Modify talk is the statements we brand that reverberate our want to alter, focus on our ability to practice so, list specific reasons for modify, and express the delivery to alter. Studies evidence that change talk, particularly in clinical settings, has been linked with successful beliefs alter (Sobell & Sobell, 2008).

The but person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.

Carl Rogers

Motivational interviewing aims to encourage the patient'southward autonomy in conclusion making where the clinician acts as a guide, clarifying the patient's strengths and aspirations, listening to their concerns, boosting their confidence in their ability to change, and eventually collaborating with them on a programme for alter.

The process consists of engaging patients, deciding on what to change, evoking their reasons for making the alter, and like-minded on a physical plan.

1 relevant psychological theory that explains how and why motivational interviewing works is self-determination theory. It states that we are more likely to change if our three basic psychological needs are attended to:

  • Autonomy in making decisions
  • Mastery and a sense of our competence in making the alter
  • Relatedness and a sense of being supported by key people around us, including healthcare professionals.

Another useful theory is that when we hear ourselves talk virtually change, information technology tends to increment our motivation. Within motivational interviewing, this is known as "change talk." An emerging body of research is currently tracking the language that patients use when talking about modify, and it appears that change talk predicts better outcomes (Gaume, at al, 2013).

Finally, it was also noted that practitioners' beliefs could influence clients' beliefs in measurable means. Ane review of research suggests that minimizing practitioners' behavior that is inconsistent with motivational interviewing, such every bit disagreeing with and confronting clients, has a clear positive influence on outcomes (Gaume, at al, 2013).

Motivational Interviewing Questions and Skills

Counseling interview questionsThe aim of motivational interviewing is to encourage the patient to become an active participant in the change process past evoking their intrinsic motivations for change.

And all this despite ambivalence and what often seems like resistance, which is considered a normal role of the change procedure.

Evoking is central to motivational interviewing, but it is besides most challenging to principal every bit it is vastly unlike from traditional communication-giving.

Motivational interviewing requires four key communication skills that back up and strengthen the process of eliciting modify talk, likewise known equally OARS:

  • Open-ended questions
  • Affirming
  • Reflective listening
  • Summarizing

Open-ended questions in motivational interviewing allow usa to detect out more about the client'south perspective and ideas about change. They are also crucial in edifice and strengthening a collaborative relationship. Finally, they are also useful in the process of evoking the customer'due south motivations for change.

Affirming can be done through recognizing and commenting on the patient's strengths and abilities. Affirming is excellent for rapport edifice and can increase it farther by using some of the well-known coaching techniques and incorporating acknowledging and validating clients' emotions.

Sounds like this is actually challenging. No wonder yous experience overwhelmed.

Reflective listening can be employed effectively through summarizing. When nosotros repeat what the customer has told united states in our own words and in the course of a statement rather than a question, nosotros encourage them to go along talking. The most crucial benefit of cogitating listening is that it helps to build date with the client, peculiarly when he or she is upset or angry equally information technology can assistance them to calm down and experience understood.

What I hear you say is…

Most chiefly, however, reflective listening allows practitioners to clarify what the client is saying both for the purpose of agreement correctly just too to reflect back to the client then they can hear what they are saying and tin can either intermission to reflect or cull to move forward.

In motivational interviewing, reflective listening is used purposefully to help the patient consider a change. This is i of the strongest characteristics of the evoking process.

Summarizing is also used for further collection of reflections, allowing the practitioner and the client to identify the core ideas of the client's story. When nosotros employ reflective listening and combine information technology with constructive summarizing, the clients observe themselves hearing themselves talk about change.

As the practitioner empathically reflects dorsum to the client what they only said, information technology becomes a function of the powerful process of evoking the client'due south own motivation for modify.

In motivational interviewing, OARS or open-ended questions, affirmations, reflections, and summarizing are employed toward eliciting change talk. Evoking cocky-motivational statements is a primary goal of MI approach and unlike OARS, is more directive. The goal is to help the client identify and resolve ambivalence so he or she tin can move forward.

Change talk is the client making statements that are in favor of alter. Information technology signals he or she is more than willing, able, or set up to make the change. The practitioner's role is to elicit change talk from the customer in a collaborative fashion and avoid imposing it. Motivational interviewing is a consensual, negotiated process betwixt the advisor and client.

Change talk can occur in several forms and is exemplified past a statement that indicates the desire for, the ability to, the reasons for, and the need to modify.

Desire statements indicating a want to brand a alter:

Getting in shape would make me feel and then much ameliorate about myself.

Ability statements speak to the client's cocky-efficacy or conventionalities in the ability to brand changes:

I think with some help, I might be able to cut dorsum.

Reasons statements reflect the reasons the client gives for considering a change:

I accept to quit smoking considering of my asthma.

Need statements indicate a need for change where the emphasis is more than emotional than in the case of reasons statements, which are more cognitive and rational:

Something has to modify, or my marriage volition fall autonomously.

The most of import aspect of motivational interviewing is for the practitioner to recognize and so emphasize modify talk and pay particular attention to delivery linguistic communication. When the client uses verbs that express accurate and robust commitment to change, this presents an opportunity to get them to elaborate further and strengthen the commitment level.

Miller worked with a linguist to bear witness that commitment language matters, and the more a client is making potent commitment statements, the more probable the customer'south behavior is going to change.

The procedure of eliciting change talk must also take identify with adequate focus. Later on the client and practitioner accept antiseptic a goal for modify, an agreement should be established on the direction for the chat. This helps to avoid making assumptions and jumping too quickly into a new change topic.

It is also a nifty opportunity to raise a hard subject in a not-confrontational way by merely mentioning it and assuasive the patient the opportunity to decide whether to talk about information technology.

There is also an issue of data sharing and advising, which could go a deterrent if not used appropriately. Information technology should be reserved for when the patient asks, or more spontaneously when in that location is adept engagement.

When some level of rapport is established, a practitioner tin can also initiate a more than formal give-and-take about the stages of change or level of the client'southward motivation. This may include helping the client develop a rating of current importance, confidence, readiness, and commitment to change to explore how whatsoever of these dimensions might be strengthened.

This is a more than directive fashion of eliciting a client's change talk and addressing a customer's commitment to change in a way that resembles planting the seed and gradually moving toward the negotiation of specific modify plans.

Motivational Interviewing skills are non unlike some of the coaching skills, merely never the less they are not piece of cake to master. There are several grooming manuals for how to practise motivational interviewing skills, and here are a few of them. One way to assess the practitioner's ability to elicit change talk is to compare it to the post-obit examples of higher skill:

  • The practitioner uses evocative questions that are targeted to the client'southward current level of motivation, e.g. if the client recognizes a problem with his beliefs, the practitioner asks the client to explore any concerns or problematic aspects of it;
  • Practitioner query the client nigh factors that might impact intent or optimism for modify when the customer is uncertain nigh his or her chapters to change;
  • The practitioner explores electric current readiness to alter in depth past combining rating scales and open-ended follow-upward questions and reflections that prompt the client'south arguments for change, optimism, and self-efficacy (meet the next section on readiness for alter, self-efficacy and decisional balance).

Readiness for Modify and Motivation

What people say about change predicts subsequent beliefs because it reflects motivation for and commitment to modify. When clients brand arguments against change, oft counterproductively referred to as exhibiting resistance, it produces less change.

Today we know that successful interventions into behavioral change require a systematic stage-based arroyo that involves start assessing readiness to change and so application of motivational strategies that target the context of alter defined by the client's phase of readiness (Zimmerman, Olsen, & Bosworth, 2000).

The Stages of Change model of Prochaska, et al. (1994), also known as the Transtheoretical Model of Change (TMC), defines the stages of change.

The model identifies six stages ranging from a "pre-contemplation stage," where there is no intention to change, to a "termination stage," where the desired behavior is well established, and a life-long change is part of the individual's new identity (Zimmerman, Olsen, & Bosworth, 2000; Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, 2007).

TMC informs approaches to therapy then practitioners can tailor them to clients' current level of motivation.

Stage: Precontemplation

Attitude: No

Core thoughts: I don't demand to change

Critical Markers:

  • Reluctant
  • Rebellious
  • Resigned
  • Rationalizing


In the precontemplation stage, there are four possible reasons for resistance to change:

  • Reluctance: the client is unwilling to consider change, comfortable and averse to taking a risk, unaware of consequences.
  • Rebellion: client can exist resistant to change because they value their independence.
  • Resignation: client feels helpless and overwhelmed past problems and feels like a failure.
  • Rationalizing: client employs rationalization as a form of protection; unlike rebellion more than well-nigh thoughts than emotions.

Stage: Contemplation

Mental attitude: Aye and No

Core thoughts: I don't need to change

Critical Markers:

  • Ambivalence


  • In the contemplation stage, the client is thinking almost the modify but is clashing while weighing and examining the benefits of and obstacles to modify.
  • Some clients will detect themselves in this stage for prolonged periods experiencing stress as they experience stuck.

Stage: Training

Attitude: Yes, but…

Core thoughts: I will change

Critical Markers:

  • Procrastination


  • In the preparation stage, clients will see change as important and view themselves capable of modify but will often make "yes, but" statements and put off taking steps toward change.
  • They volition usually detect themselves having experimented with changing the desired behavior, seeking support, identifying barriers, and resources.

Stage: Action

Mental attitude: Aye

Core thoughts: I am irresolute

Critical Markers:

  • Behavioral Steps


  • In the activeness phase, alter is visible and equated with progress.
  • Alterations in awareness thought processes, emotions, and self-epitome occur as customer exhibits diligence and puts a lot of effort into the procedure.
  • Most clients will experience setbacks and periodically resume the old behavior at this stage, which may halt the change process, make them feel demoralized over occasional "slips," and can sometimes upshot in the client giving up.
  • These are normal, and a office of this stage and are not seen equally failure or relapse.

Stage: Maintenance

Attitude: Aye

Core thoughts: I take changed

Critical Markers:

  • Commitment


  • In the maintenance stage, the client has successfully made the change in beliefs and accomplished the goals he set for himself, usually later half dozen months.
  • This is a difficult stage as clients can become complacent, and onsets of negative circumstances tin can influence the commitment and threaten the sustained, long-term effort if no maintenance strategy is developed.

Markers of readiness for change

Both TMC and Motivational Interviewing (MI) recognize iii critical markers of readiness for change:

  • willingness to change,
  • ability to make the desire changed and
  • readiness to have activeness to brand the change.

In the early stages of modify, the level of ambivalence the clients are experiencing is normally high. In the case of clients who score high in the pre-contemplation stage, willingness or ability are usually implicated in ane'south levels of motivation to modify behavior.

Motivational Interviewing techniques used in the pre-contemplation phase intervene in the client'south beliefs about the importance of alter and may also be used to increase self-efficacy almost the ability to brand the desired changes.

This stardom can be based on either a formal readiness assessment or a self-reported measurement like the change readiness ruler.

To assess the desire and willingness, we may ask the client to rate the importance of making the desired alter using the post-obit questions:

Stride i. Appraise the importance of change

On the calibration of 0 to 100, how much exercise you lot want to brand this change right at present? Answer the question by marking i if making the change is not at all important and selecting 100 if you are willing to piece of work hard to attain the desired alter.

Use the following scale as a visual help:

0 25 50 75 100
Not important Less of import than other things I want to attain Every bit important to other goals in my life More than important than about things I want to achieve About important affair in my life right now

Write your importance rating (1-100) here: _______

Step 2. Reflect on the answers provided

Ask the customer to reflect on the reasons for their answers, inquiring about the answer that produced the lower score first. You lot may phrase the question as follows:

  • What led you to cull this specific number on the scale versus a lower number?
  • What would information technology take for yous to movement to a college number?

Step 3. Elicit change talk

If the customer scored depression on willingness to change, explore values or hopes, and elicit modify talk through introducing discrepancy.

– Values

When a client has a depression desire to change, exploring the discrepancy between the customer's values and the electric current state can be an effective method to encourage alter talk. Explore the customer'south current values by asking the following or similar questions:

  • Tell me what is most important in your life at this moment?
  • Tell me about the things you value and are a priority?
  • In what manner are you living out these values?

– Hopes and Goals

When a client struggle with seeing the importance of modify it may also help to explore the client'south hopes and goals past asking the following or similar questions that can pb to the exploration of the WHY of the alter:

  • What are some of the things yous wish to move toward in your life?
  • When you remember near the future, what are some things you would like to accept in it?
  • When you were a child, what did you dream nearly doing with your life? How about at present?
  • If we were to be successful in our work together, what would that wait like?

Another formal method to elicit future goals is to engage the client in the envisioning process.

– Elicit Discrepancy

Elicit discrepancy past placing the electric current behavior in the context of electric current values or desired future.

  • Tell me about the times you are not living out your values equally fully as you would like?
  • How does your electric current behavior fit within your values?
  • How can this value help y'all reach the aims you ready for yourself?
  • How does your current behavior support your futurity goals?

Self-efficacy and Motivation

Motivational Interviewing ToolkitNear people select goals they believe they can achieve.

As Bandura (1986) suggests, "unless people believe that they can produce desired furnishings and forestall undesired ones by their actions, they have fiddling incentive to act. Whatever other factors may operate every bit motivators, they are rooted in the core belief that ane has the ability to produce the desired results" (p.228).

A key construct in this context is self-efficacy. A person who has a high level of self-efficacy generally believes he or she can behave out what is necessary to realize his or her goals (Bandura, 1997). This person is confident that he or she can use the strength-based skills required to resist temptation, cope with stress, and mobilize necessary resources to meet the situational demands.

Because people with high self-efficacy behavior assume that they take loftier ability, they adopt more than challenging goals and perform better on tasks compared to people with low self-efficacy behavior (Brown et al., 2011). Studies testify that adopting more difficult goals is linked to superior performance (Locke & Latham, 1990).

Some changes look negative on the surface only you volition before long realize that infinite is being created in your life for something new to emerge.

Eckhart Tolle

Cocky-efficacy beliefs determine whether instrumental deportment will be initiated, how much attempt volition be expended, and how long it volition be sustained in the face of obstacles and failure (Bandura, 1992, Bandura & Cervone, 1983).

In contrast, if a person sees no possibility that a goal can be reached, little or no try will be put in trying to accomplish the goal, no matter how much the goal might be valued. For that reason, exploring levels of customer's self-efficacy in any behavioral change intervention is crucial.

Assessing the lack of self-efficacy can be washed by observing the customer, making statements that have the following characteristics:

  • avoid accepting challenges equally they fright failure.
  • firmly believe that they are non capable of performing complicated tasks.
  • focus on failures and adversities every bit personal shortcomings.
  • are less confident about themselves.
  • lack a sense of commitment to their works.
  • have a hard fourth dimension recovering from setbacks and nether-achievements.
  • quickly lose involvement in activities and works they were a part of.
  • wait results without putting in an try.
  • are highly susceptible to low and anxiety most facing failures.
  • focus more than on their weaknesses and less on their strengths.

Motivational Interviewing (MI) has proven to be particularly useful with clients that lack cocky-efficacy and believe they may be unable to alter.

Motivational Interviewing, when used every bit a technique to increase cocky-efficacy, is more than just planting a seed that alter is possible. It is very much a collaborative process of careful tillage of the client'due south belief in his or her ability to achieve their goals. Motivational interviewing strategies increase what is known as change talk. They do not ask if the customer is motivated, simply instead, what motivates him or her.

Nosotros tin assess levels of self-efficacy, asking the client to rate his or her ability to make the desired change. You lot may phrase the question as follows:

On the scale of ane to 100, how confident are y'all that if yous chose to make the change, you lot could change. Marking 0 if y'all do not at all believe that you can succeed and select 100 if you lot are extremely confident that y'all have the skills to achieve your goals for alter. Use the following calibration as a guide.

0% 50% 100%
Do non believe at all that I have the skills to change l-50 chance I volition achieve my goal Completely confident I will succeed

Building Self-efficacy

If the customer scored depression on the self-efficacy scale and feels resigned and unable to modify, increasing optimism about the possibility of change and focusing on internal strengths are some of the effective methods to encourage modify talk and increment belief in one's ability to change.

This can be done through the following questions:

  • Tell me almost a time you made changes in your life. How did yous do it?
  • What personal strengths practice you lot accept that would help yous succeed?
  • Imagine you decided to modify, what about you would enable you to do it?
  • What encourages and inspires you?
  • Who could offer yous support in making this change?

Decisional Residue and Motivation

We all differ in the extent to which they are motivated and able to change. Often, people say they want to change, but they exercise not know-how, are unable to, or are not fully set up to modify.

Simply put, it is not that people exercise not want to change, merely they are frequently not set yet. Employing a directive, client-centered mode of interaction, motivational interviewing aims to resolve this ambivalence and help people to make positive changes (Miller & Rollnick, 2002).

This can be achieved through questions or comments designed to:

  • promote greater sensation of a problem,
  • recognition of the advantages of modify,
  • increased intent to modify, or
  • elaboration on a topic related to alter.

While doing so, the motivation comes from the other person. One does not give or instill motivation in the other person to alter their behavior. Instead, motivation is elicited.

One tool that tin can help a client resolve ambiguity about making the change is the Decisional Balance worksheet. It explores Pro'southward and Con'south or the good and not-so-adept things about the behavior in question. The advisor can facilitate the process during the session by eliciting client responses that would correspond with each of the 4 quadrants representing differing aspects of irresolute the behavior or making a change.

Present Time to come
Strain/Pain Question 1.

What is the current state of affairs costing you? (this could be a scaling question)

Question 4.

What challenges will yous face to make the change?

Gain/Growth Question 3.

How are you benefiting from the current situation?

Question 2.

What can you proceeds by making the change?

How important is that to y'all? (this could be a scaling question)

Doing this cost-benefits assay includes discussing specific consequences of the customer's behavior, and assessing the positive or negative aspects of the client's past, present, or time to come. An essential component of using this tool effectively is to verbalize an appreciation for ambivalence every bit a normal part of the client's experience as he/she considers change.

The goal here is to discuss the client's ambivalence in item and facilitate a costs/benefits analysis through soliciting the client'due south input about making a change versus continuing the same behavior. Information technology can also be done by developing a written Pros and Cons list with the client, either during the counseling session or reviewing in detail, a listing completed before the session.

A Take-Habitation Bulletin

Carl Rogers used to say that psychologists had the most important task in the globe, because ultimately, what nosotros need more than new discoveries in the physical sciences are better interactions between human beings.

The adept life is a process, not a state of being. It is a management not a destination.

Carl Rogers

Motivational interviewing strategies do not ask IF the client is motivated, but WHAT motivates him or her.

Do you lot believe motivation is something nosotros all possess?

Nosotros hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don't forget to download our three Goal Achievement Exercises for free.

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  • Kretzschmar, I., (2010). Exploring Clients' Readiness for Coaching.
  • Miller, W. R., & Rollnick, South. (2013). Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change. New York, NY: Guilford Press.
  • Reeve, J. (2015). Understanding motivation and emotion (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
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How To Learn Motivational Interviewing,


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