
How To Learn Ultima Fft Wotl

Ramza isn't entirely human.

One of the unique spells Ramza tin can learn via the 'hit by assault and survive' mechanic subsequently in the game is Ultima. The other two types of characters that can learn this spell is Ultima Demons... and Alma. Who is Ramza'due south female parent, again?

  • In the remake, Luso also gets it. Then again, Luso in FFT is a walking Concluding Fantasy Tactics A2 teaser trailer, and his being a Ramza clone every bit far as abilities get, might be a way to indicate that Luso would be more like Ramza than similar Marche.
    • Information technology's because Alma is the "perfect host" for the affections Ultima. He's her brother, and some of the compatibility carries over; thus when subjected to Ultima's energies, he tin command it a fleck himself.
      • Luso can practise information technology because he's an inverse Summon Everyman Hero of the Grimoire; which was the strength behind summonings in Vagrant Story (Ivalice). Thus this was also the power that bound the Summon Magic in Final Fantasy XII (Also Ivalice); including the Angel Ultima.

Saint Ajora has been reincarnated more than than once.

In both the Japanese FFXII Clan Primer and the Ultimania timeline Ajora is called a woman. Yet, Germonique's scriptures refer to him every bit a man, not to mention at that place was a portrait inside the game's data that shows Ajora with a fairly manish face. Keep in mind that it'southward been established that reincarnation exists in Ivalice. So therefore, Ajora was born a woman at showtime, does her matter and possibly makes contact with Ultima, dies, is reborn as a guy and makes history. He/She is reincarnated again as Ramza's sister Alma but is defeated.

The events of Final Fantasy Tactics were a historical simulation of the existent events.

Explains why you're in no hurry to finish the main quest. And why Ramza, or whatsoever other graphic symbol, tin can get so ridiculously, unstoppably powerful.

  • 'Ramza' and 'Arazlam' are actually modern-24-hour interval Ivalician Ren-Fair performers.
  • Assassin's Creed crossover! Become!

The Church's history of events is actually more correct than that of the Durai study.

Ramza was a murderer and a heretic, and Delita was the hero-rex who brought Ivalice out of the Lion State of war. What, Olan didn't have his own agenda when writing the Durai Report?

  • Conversely, the traits of the characters were magnified and/or distorted.
    • Say, for instance, Ramza wasn't a saint, though he may have helped relieve the world.
    • And neither was Dycedarg a regicidal, patricidal, scheming manipulative bastard, though he was an opportunistic ambitious man.
    • However, Cid was still a friggin' badass.
      • Amen.
      • In fact, Olan probably idea his adoptive father's true baddassery wouldn't be believable and so he toned information technology down.
      • Toning down i'south badassery wouldn't be unrealistic, there was a guy who in WW2 killed nazis with a machinegun with a grenade seconds of exploding on his hand so threw it on a tank, it wouldn't feel out of place in a Rambo movie, but it was real life.
  • Doesn't seem probable. If the Durai Written report was the merely source or information technology differed too much from other surviving documents, historians would accept dismissed it outright. (And the Church probably wouldn't have suppressed it for several hundred years.) Besides, aside from the magical stuff, nada that happens in Tactics is all that different from Europe's Late Medieval Era. So why would Olan have to make anything upwardly?

Olan was more than or less on the mark... except that he couldn't resist writing himself and his uncle Orlandu as more badass than they actually were.

(At least Orlandu really was a skilled warrior.) The whole rescue scenario makes a skilful deal more sense if Olan couldn't freeze enemies in time, afterwards all...

The Durai Reports were written by Ramza

Ramza, the Beoulve Blackness Sheep and a "bastard" child (or at to the lowest degree the son of a concubine/second wife), shipped off to the Ivalice equivalent of kicking camp, just happened to be the hereafter rex's all-time friend and the lynch-pin in saving Ivalice from demons trying to take over the church? Aye, right. Olan was what Ramza was actually like, changed into T.G. Cid's adopted son considering he hated his real-life family.

Delita'southward another one of Balbanes' sons.

Why else would Balbanes curve the rules to have Ramza'south and so-called "all-time friend" enrolled in the Academy? (Teta, however, is Delita's half-sister past the man their mother married to hide this fact.)

  • You must not get out out the possibility, though, that Balbanes knew his bloodline was unfit to dominion. Knowing this, he would have gotten Delita into the academy because he saw Delita'southward indeed impressive ability to make a plan and come up out on top.

Ramza is X returned

  • Germonique
    • "Ajora lives once more, mortal-oh hell, non again."
      • Smack, Ajora hits the basis. "Ajora the mighty is getting sick of this shit. Stop getting reincarnated!"
    • Very vaguely suggested that Ramza is at least of some kind of bloodline that Ajora recognizes.
  • Cid, because Cid's and so badass he's been resurrected before his death.

If retention serves me correctly, Final Fantasy Tactics mentions somewhere that guns, airships, and some forms of magic were commonplace ages ago but are at present ancient relics of the past. If yous recall about it, in the world of Terminal Fantasy XII, Advance, and A2, magic, guns, and airships were a part of daily life. It'due south possible that perhaps an extremely powerful magic wiped these out and most civilizations, which is why there are no moogles, vieras, bangaas, seeqs, nu mous, or grias in Final Fantasy Tactics. Marche besides bears a resemblance to Ramza, then he could be his descendant. The Ivalice that Marche and Luso go to was at its prime, so the grimorie most likely made them go dorsum in fourth dimension. The order of the games would exist FFXII > FFT > FFTA > FFTA2.

  • Or rather, {FFXII and Revenant Wings / FFTA adventures / FFTA2 adventures} > FFT adventures > Vagrant Story > FFTA framing device > FFTA2 framing device. There's also speculation that while FFTA2 is true time travel to the era of FFXII, the original FFTA took place in a fantasy version.
  • Gametrailers had a Concluding Fantasy Retrospective that confirms this, showing the map layouts of FFXII and FFT, specifically that FFT is to the due west of FFXII. Historically and stylistically, FFXII could take identify in the equivalent of the Roman Empire, whilst FFT is the Middle Ages. As for the tech decline, it seems the Airships in particular were fueled by magicite, and if this was all used upward, and nethicite manufacturing was forgotten or deemed illegal due to adventitious disasters or terrorist uses, they would stop working.
    • Gametrailers didn't really have their facts directly, but yep, this timeline is confirmed in the Ultimania. The patched together in-game maps from FFXII and FFT are wrong however; lookout the prologue of FFXII over again, and you lot can see there'southward a vast expanse of Ordalia in the mode of that theory. The presence of Goug city in TA2, even so, probably indicates that (following the Cataclysm that screws upwardly technology) the Ordallian half of Jylland becomes the region from FFT. So FFT takes identify on the other side of the continent from FFXII, simply in the same region as FFTA2, though inverse so much that it's mostly unrecognisable except insofar as it's a west-facing peninsula and has a city chosen Goug.

The ending was a issue of Olan Durai "writing in" Ramza and company'south expiry when they really survived and escaped Murond

  • Recall about it. Ramza and visitor accept but killed off Altima and they claw their way support to the surface, alive and well. They've saved the world, just the world very decidedly wants to impale them. Everyone'southward at peace, pretty much. They could become ahead and go on the fight, or let everyone believe they've well and truly died. A little while after Ramza's funeral, Ramza drops off his bookkeeping of the Zodiac Brave Story, which Olan adapts into the Durai Report, purposefully leaving out the portion where Ramza and everyone else survive.

The Scriptures of Germonique are themselves i large fatty lie, and Simon's desire to propagate that big fatty prevarication leads to a lot of chicanery.

Reading the Scriptures of Germonique, y'all go this chip of rambling from Simon near how they're entirely based in fact: "Although many spoke of their existence, none had ever set eyes upon these Scriptures of Germonique. Some might say they are fraudulent, written with the sole purpose of discrediting Saint Ajora. But I know this tome to be accurate."

"When I served as an inquisitor for the Church, many others in the Holy Office feared the existence of this work. And the aforementioned is no dubiety true for the High Confessor. They were all fearful of these writings, for everything contained within them is fact."

All the same he never goes on to give any prove that any of these claims made by Germonique, who was known to be a particularly sketchy and traitorous individual, have any semblance of truth in them. Germonique may simply too have had a vendetta against Ajora and wanted to wipe out his following, traitor that he apparently was. This would mean that the face up-off with Ultima at the cease of the game is largely the batter of Orran's mushroom-addled imagination.

  • Alternatively, the Scriptures are a lie in that the story they tell is absolutely meaningless. The Scriptures, after all, were actually meant to contain the code to activate the portal in Orbonne, and are zip more than than elaborate Spy Speak.

When Delita was caught in Fort Zeakden'southward explosion, Teta's torso crystallized shortly afterwards and healed Delita.

Hence why Delita says Teta saved him.

On the other mitt, since crystal are known for empowering others with the deceased'southward noesis, Delita may very well take been privy to Teta's last memories. I rather doubtfulness they were peaceful. Imagine if her concluding thoughts were, "I don't want to die." Or the realization that she's been betrayed by her adoptive family.

No wonder Delita has such a scrap on his shoulder.

Ramza was due to star in a Harem Anime, spring to wind upward like Tenchi or Sena, until the war erupted.

The man rescues women left, right, and center and even has a potential Unlucky Childhood Friend or Victorious Childhood Friend in Teta/Tietra. Note that, without the war and everybody in the country going stab-happy, every woman he rescues are people he could have reasonably been expected to meet over the form of his life anyway. He would have met Agrias while she was guarding Ovelia, met Izlude and Meliadoul through Vormav and Dycedarg associating with 1 some other, and probably would have foiled an assassination endeavour past Barinten, leading Rafa to fall in love with him in the process.

Damn. Now I want to see this.

  • I practise likewise, the solution is fan fiction. Get crackin.
    • Information technology appears someone did.

That's why he's so broken.

Non-Lucavi magic doesn't be (or is extremely rare) outside of gameplay.

Which explains why the zodiac stones are viewed every bit extremely powerful in-story despite the fact that they don't practice very much that can't be replicated in gameplay. Reviving the dead is something that every White Mage worth their table salt is able to do, and notwithstanding no one thinks to utilise a heighten spell on Tietra, and Malak's revival via zodiac stone is seen equally a miracle.

  • No, it's because at that place'south a divergence between the Revive spells bringing people back from almost death, and the Zodiac Stones bringing someone back from actual death.
    • Revive spells are almost never mentioned in cutscenes, AFAIK. The closest I tin think of is Ramza request for a phoenix down, but that's not the aforementioned thing. As well, revive spells piece of work only fine for characters who but had their souls sucked out of them or were hit at point-blank with a fireball from the Rex of Dragons, then it's hard to believe they'd just stop working for "mere" bullet or crossbow wounds, merely because it's a cutscene. Hence why it's slightly more believable to think that the spells are just there for gameplay reasons and don't exist in-story.

And this is why, the two times you lot fight him in a group, he appears with a bunch of ladies.

Ramza Beoulve and his companions are the heroes of The Zodiac Brave Story, and, by symbolic extension, the real Messiah of Ivalice.

So, according to the ZBS, a power hungry rex summoned demons to the earth, and a hero gathered the 12 Zodiac stones and Braves to defeat the demon king. Now, what happens in The State of war of Lions? Whatever of a number of persons qualify for "Power Hungry Rex", only none better than Folmarv and the Glabados' leader. So they grab the Zodiac stones and, surprise! Summon demons into the earth. Meanwhile, Ramza Beoulve and his companions gather the stones and ultimately pry them from the hands of demons to save the world.

Notably, Ramza and company exceed the 13 permissible, though information technology could be said that some of Ramza'southward followers aren't equal to others.

So say we count only the 12 most important aside from Ramza. Namely, Agrias, Cidolfas, Meliadoul, Rapha, Marach, Mustadio, Beowulf, Reis, Alicia, Lavian, and Ladd. Y'all tin can dispute the canonicity of say, Cloud, Balthier, and Luso, then we disbelieve them from the theory. Boco, Byblos, and Construct 8 are unlikely for existence of the non-human variety. At present, for those keeping count, we've got xi not counting Ramza, and nosotros need thirteen. We can throw Alma in the mix of this if we want to, but that makes the numbers a bit sketchy for the following part. Besides, for those dissatisfied with the inclusion of Alicia, Lavian, and Ladd amid the 12, nosotros can bandy out at least one for Olan Durai, who makes a decent John or Peter to Ramza'south Christ.

The thought here is to make a ridiculous comparing to Christ and Arthur, so nosotros need our Judas/Lancelot. We could say Delita, or Gaffgarion (particularly because of his presence at the execution grounds, which behave a proper name suspiciously similar to 'Golgotha'.) or fifty-fifty Argath.

Ramza also shares a number of other parallels with Christ. He faces persecution from the existing government, is of noble nascency, is accused of heresy,and is harassed constantly past members of the existing clergy. Oh, and the possibly dying to salve Ivalice from the bully evils that ran amuck in information technology.

Ramza is likewise the but person to have seen The Gods perform miracles via the Zodiac Stones, instead of the unholy monstrosities the Lucavi aptitude them for.

In any case, Ramza most definitely fulfills the ZBA, if not all the requirements of a Christ-parallel. He had his 12 followers, gathered the Zodiac Stones, and defeated the demon, saving Ivalice. For a Christ-similar gear up-up, he has his 12, every bit well as other followers. I is a traitor, one is trusted, and he dies for his people's salvation.

  • Challenge: I'm not proverb yous're incorrect, I want to see if you can take the parallels farther. Add together examples every bit they utilise. And yes, I know these are out of society.
    • The revelation of divinity.
    • The missing time from recorded boyhood to adulthood
      • Chapter 1 -> Chapter 2. With the costume alter, it marks a pretty big maturity shift, even though information technology'south a curt time (how long was that Time Lapse anyhow?)
    • Rebuking the moneylenders in the temple.
    • The miracles. All of them.
    • The temptations and the 40 days in the desert.
    • The sermon on the mound.
    • The baptism.
    • The crucifixion and resurrection.

Valmafra becomes Orran's wife/lover and the mother to his child(ren).

There wouldn't really be a reason for Valmafra to show up with Orran at Ramza and Alma's 'funeral' with Orran unless the ii were somehow involved, since she had but met Ramza one time and the two never really knew each other. Obviously, Orran had to have had at least one son, Arazlam.

Ordallia is in merely as deep shit during the game's plot

Hence why they aren't invading.

The game's plot is the result of several separate tabletop gaming campaigns featuring a Killer GM and the plot going Off the Rails.

  • The Chapter Ane campaign, "Cadets of Ivalice", where Ramza's player was Leeroy Jenkins and overall played everything like it was a buddy road movie, Delita's actor was trying to roleplay a deep, serious, complicated character, and Algus' player was a total newbie who was just trying to learn the system. As the plot developed, Ramza and Delita grew to disagree about every facet of the game, and Algus, tired of being stuck in the middle, quits after the Sand Rat Cellar battle. The DM continues using Algus equally a NPC, exaggerating Algus' previous character to the point of turning him into a Jerkass. The campaign ends with Fort Zeakden, except Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies.
  • Ramza'south and Delita's players take a falling out for some time, but since they're friends in "existent life" things eventually work out. Delita's role player offers to GM a game set in the Yvalice setting, allowing Ramza's player to reuse his character (handwaving how he survived) and bringing on new folks. Except Ramza realizes that Delita is non as over the previous campaign equally he thought, since Delita besides comes back equally a plot-important NPC. While Ramza plays along meliorate this time, having learned his lesson, the new players are not impressed with Delita-as-DM and pulls the plot so off the runway that Delita gets annoyed and throws a freaking demon at the (at this point rather depression-level) political party. Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies again.
  • Some fourth dimension afterward, Ramza takes a turn equally a DM running a high-to-epic level political party, handing off his character sheet to his girlfriend. Boxing one of his entrada? A rematch confronting Queklain, of form. He too runs a B-campaign starring the Shrine Knights, but since they're all evil-aligned characters the ones who aren't killed past the A-entrada stab each other in the back. Eventually the players left in the B-campaign (including a certain Munchkin who was playing a Cool Old Guy) decide to bring together in the A-entrada. At this betoken the political party hits epic level, and so Ramza ditches the political intrigue portion of the plot and just has everyone become demon-slaying, since they were clearly having more fun doing that than anything else.

Ladd stays on Ramza'southward side when Gafgarion reveals his loyalties because he knows that Ramza volition win.

And the fact that most of "Gafgarion's" party is equanimous of Ramza'southward one-time platoon means that the Dark Knight was going to exist outnumbered anyway.

Viera became the Treants we see in this game

The treants nosotros see in Tactics are much more human looking than, those from Final Fantasy XII, and aside from both being tree-similar, and in fact, the two look nothing alike, aside from sharing a tree motive. The Treats in this game take fifty-fifty a pretty similar facial structure to Viera. Viera are described to have too very close relationship with the woods they live in, and even are regard themselves as part of it. It is possible that they decided to merge with the trees, or transfer their souls into them, in social club to survive the cataclysm that decimated other intelligent races of Ivalice, bated from hume/humans. The sprites that are mentioned to give Treants their consciousness, would be in fact, souls of Viera.

Mustadio is a descendant or nifty- (x a lot) nephew of Balthier.

I mean, hell, WotL practically gives this to you on a silver platter if you know Balthier's true name - Ffamran mied Bunansa , not to mention the characters' similar part and skillset. And that Balthier's skillset is substantially Mustadio's on steroids. Also, even if Balthier's not the one Mustadio is descended from (which would naturally be one more than reason to ask whether Balthier and Fran...), information technology'southward mentioned that Cidolfus Bunansa (Balthier'south father) had two other sons whose names and statuses are not mentioned. A lot of times in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game, missing relatives that don't e'er testify up = expressionless relatives - merely what if they, like Balthier, lived under assumed identities, perhaps only resurfacing subsequently Cid's expiry? Given that Mustadio'southward surname was given the smallest of alterations (from "Bunanza" to "Bunansa") specifically to match that of the FFXII male parent-son duo, their relation is nigh a certainty. And if Balthier's the progenitor and the lesson of what happens when human beings screw with ability they're not meant to wield, was passed from father to son, it would explain why Besrodio attempted to take command of the Zodiac Rock.

The Lucavi were NOT the result of Executive Meddling, and are in fact based on the Apostles from Berserk.

Over the years many people have taken event with the Lucavi, feeling that they either didn't fit into the story or just took away from the uniqueness of Tactics' (comparatively) grounded story and morally grey political intrigue by adding an unambiguously evil supernatural entity. To justify this dislike many people have speculated that Foursquare pressured Matsuno into adding some more supernatural elements into the game's plot to arrive more than in line with the rest of the FF series.

While this is possible, a number of people over the years accept suggested that Matsuno is probably just a fan of Berserk and was inspired by it in the cosmos of Tactics, which makes a lot of sense when you consider the similarities between the 2.

Commencement, the setting, themes and full general tone take a lot of similarities to the "Golden Age" part of the manga, with political intrigue, a Crapsack Earth Dung Ages setting, and themes of political ambition Specially with Delita who is vaguely reminiscent of Griffith'south character every bit a commoner with aspirations to the throne and who is willing to practise whatever it takes to get to the pinnacle.

However there are two even More than specific similarities that make the inspiration a potent possibility. The starting time is the whole reed flute matter, which in Tactics is a symbol of Ramza and Delita's esprit, is Too present in an iconic scene in Berserk where Griffith uses information technology to charm Charlotte by showing how earthly and down-to-earth he supposedly is.

Simply the HUGE one is the Lucavi themselves. In Berserk, there are items called "behelits" which are eggs with human features scattered about. They take a nasty habit of finding their mode to people at but the moment where they are most emotionally disraught and/or almost to dice, at which moment the Behelit'south features shift around to form a face up, which screams and summons the Godhand, who are a group of godlike demonic entities. They propose a Deal with the Devil where the person volition be gratuitous of their suffering, but they must in turn cede whatsoever is nigh important to them (unremarkably a loved one). When they take up the bargain, they are transformed into "Apostles", which are demons for all intents and purposes. This transformation usually (though not ever) causes the person to lose almost of their humanity and grow bloodthirsty and barbarous. Their appearance changes, with many of them remaining humanoid but possessing warped, twisted features (unusual and menacing eyes are the most consistent characteristic), and they can also transform into another, much more than monstrous and powerful form which is usually quite frightening and demonic.

Does any of that audio familiar? Considering it's fundamentally the same mode the Lucavi and the Zodiac Stones work, with a few modest to medium differences. They also serve a similar narrative purpose (in Berserk's golden historic period arc moreso) in that the setting is relatively grounded, and they serve equally a looming, otherwordly, invasive and nigh lovecraftian threat lurking in the shadows, an untold unspeakable terror that feels like it's too horrible to even exist.

The timeline for this also checks out; while the first Berserk anime had not aired even so (it was due to come up out in a few months really), the manga was being serialized and the story had already gone through all the aforementioned points and events even by the time Matsuno and his squad would have started working on Tactics. This would mean that Matsuno was familiar with the manga, which is notwithstanding plenty plausible withal.

It's nevertheless possible that this is all a big coincidence (Berserk itself is subject area to this, with a seemingly obvious inspiration for Guts' grapheme actually beingness completely unknown to its creator before it was pointed out to him), but it'south an interesting alternative to the oftentimes-cited Executive Meddling that makes more than sense on the whole.

Delita cutting Valmafra's tongue out to strength her to the sidelines

Okay, so nosotros know that she fails to kill Delita, fade to blackness, she screams, and disappears from the game until the epilogue, during which she doesn't speak and communicates with pantomime. We also know that at least very early on she was going to be a playable character, and her class was Arc Witch - a spellcasting grade. We too know that in FFT, spells are cast verbally because characters charging up to cast a spell can exist seen chanting, and being muted prevents spellcasting. So a graphic symbol with no tongue wouldn't exist able to cast spells. And since Valmafra is a caster, Delita could return her mostly harmless without killing her by cut her natural language out. Did he have to? Probably not, but it's a Delita kind of affair to do.

Ramza got out of Murond past screaming until a hole in space-time opened up.

Hey, if information technology worked for Buu and Gotenks, why not Ramza, whose specialty is screaming?

He was turned into what he was past the Lucavi.

Ajora Glabados was a transgender man.

Ajora is by and large presented every bit a male in the game. Even so, 12 implies they were female. The portrait of the False Saint/Phony Saint is male, merely their sprite when possessing Alma is female person. Yasumi Matsuno showed unused artwork of Tactics in a livestream circa 2018, and Ajora'due south fine art is clearly female person. The near logical explanation is that Ajora was built-in female person, but transitioned at some point to male (either to spread their gospel, or to keep to do their job as a spy, have your pick). This would explain nearly all the plot holes caused by the Virgo auracity during the sunken Mullonde arc, like why Alma is a suitable host, rather than a male. Ultima can't choose a male host because she's female in reality!


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